I’m a Dumbass, Everyone Hates Me

fail makes you rage so bad......

lol, one post after saying how people are fucking stupid about not being able to understand how to do a certain accounting problem i got the same type of problem wrong on my midterm…….. god works in mysterious ways. pretty much he just works to fuck me over and spite me

well its not that bad, the only thing i did wrong was write down 30% for a part of the problem instead of 40%. its fucking stupid cause it was just a fucking mental lapse. although im not making any excuses; im just a fucking dumbass. i put down 30% for fucking no reason and i got 2 points off. i had a 22/25 and a 23/25 is an A. i was one friggin point away!!!! if i wasnt retarded and put down 40% i couldve gotten a 24/25. /sigh….. so not fair. i even talked to the professor afterwards saying if she could only take one point away cause i was just begin stupid but she said since its such a simple problem (see i told you!!! even the professor thinks theyre simple as fuck) that she didnt give any partials. nuts, if thats her policy im ok with it. i mean im talking like i got a horrible grade and need every point possible even though i still got an 88% but jeez, it still sucks being that close to an A and the only reason you didnt get it was cause you were being really careless/couldnt read, like an idiot.

i also had my second/last japanese midterm. it was actually the other japanese 3 professor that wrote it and it was so fucking hard. like half the class went over the time limit by 20 minutes+, it was ridiculous. the class right after us was waiting outside for like 15 minutes and finally our professor kicked us out so she could start her other japanese class. since there were so many people still working on it she let us do it outside. so you see like fucking 10-15 people all sitting on the floor doing their japanese midterms while noisy ass people were walking around us. so hard to concentrate. but man, i feel bad for the people in the other japanese 3 class to have to deal with those hard ass tests every time. goddamn. unless both classes share the same test….. which if this is the case then i assume my own professor writes them. iono how it works, ill just be quiet now

but after the test i was SOOOO done. i didnt wanna do shit. i was so fucking frustrated and just wanted to beat on something and go home. hmm, maybe my roommates would do (id kill 2 birds with one stone…..and one roommate). but anyways i ended up going to accounting cause i thought there would be a chance that id get my midterm back (which happened!!!). also i was talking to one of my friends that i saw on campus right after the japanese test so it calmed me down a bit. i feel a lot better now but after that test?? goddamn. i wanted to destroy something beautiful……luckily i didnt see myself in a mirror.

18 days until fanime!!!!
i havent been very excited about going for the past couple of months cause of pure busyness but now im getting really, really excited!!!! LETS DO ETTTT!!!!!

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3 Responses to “I’m a Dumbass, Everyone Hates Me”

  1. woo Says:


  2. Reltair Says:

    After difficult exams, I just feel really pissed off. Anyways, fanime – woot!!

    • scyumetachi Says:

      mwahahaha. the secret is to save all your easy classes for your last quarter so you can slack off super bad

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